Books and Writers

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Africa, Books On

H ABRAHAMSON : The Origin of Death (1952 RKP)
Joy ADAMSON : The People of Kenya
(1967 Collins)
A J ARKELL : A History of the Sudan
(1961 OUP)

Peter BEARD : The End of the Game
(1965 Viking)
Karen BLIXEN : Out of Africa
(1937 Putnam) (1964 Cape)
Leslie BROWN : Africa - A Natural History
(1965 HH)

Richard CARRINGTON : Elephants
(1958 C & W)
F O CAVE & James D MacDONALD : Birds of the Sudan
(1955 Oliver & Boyd)
Sonia COLE : The Prehistory of Africa
(1970 Praeger)

Basil DAVIDSON : The African Past
(1964 Longmans)
Mary DOUGLAS : Purity and Danger
(1966 Routledge)

(1940 OUP)

J D FAGE & R A OLIVER : Papers in African Prehistory
(1970 CUP)
Paul FORDHAM : The Geography of African Affairs
(1965 Penguin)

A GARLING : Bibliography of African Bibliographies
(1968 African Studies Centre, Cambridge)
Robert F GRAY : The sonjo of Tanganyika
(1963 OUP)
Joseph H GREENBERG : The Languages of Africa
(1963 Univ of Indiana)
J W GREGORY : The Rift Valley & the Geology of East Africa
(1910 Seeley Service)
P GULLIVER & P H GULLIVER : The Central Nilo-Hamites
(1953 Int African Institute)

Ian HENDERSON : The Hunt for Kimathi
(1958 HH) - with Philip Goodhart
Sir A Claud HOLLIS : The Masai
(1935 OUP)
Dennis HOLMON : The Elephant People
(1967 Murray)
J A HUNTER : Hunter
(1952 HH)
Elspeth HUXLEY : The Flame Trees of Thika
(1962 Penguin)

Paul RADIN : African Folktales
(1952 Bollingen)
Mireilla RICCIARDI : Vanishing Africa
(1971 Reynal)

George B SCHALLER : The Serengeti Lion
(1972 Univ Chicago Press)
Frederick C SELOUS : A Hunter's Wanderings in Africa
(1881 London)
Paul SPENCER : The Samburu
(1965 Univ of California Press)

Elizabeth Marshall THOMAS : The Harmless People
(1959 Secker)
Joseph THOMSON : Through Masai Land
(1968 Cassell)
(Ed) Willard TRASK : The Unwritten Song (1966 Macmillan)
Colin TURNBULL : The Forest people
(1961 C & W)
Colin TURNBULL : The Lonely People
(1963 C & W)
Colin TURNBULL : Tradition and Change in African Tribal Life
(1967 Barmerlea)

Laurens van der POST : The Lost World of the Kalahari
(1958 Hogarth Press)
Olivia VLAHOS : African Beginnings
(1967 Viking)
Ludwig R VON HOHNEL : Discovery by Count Teleki of Lakes Rudolph and Stephanie
(1968 Cassell)

Stewart Edward WHITE : The Rediscovered Country
(1915 Doubleday)
John WILLIAMS : Field Guide to the Birds of Central & East Africa
(1964 H & S)
John WILLIAMS : Field Guide to the National Parks of East Africa
(1968 Collins)

Henri JUNOD : Life in a South African Tribe
(1912 Macmillan)

J M KARIUKI : Mau Mau Detainee
(1964 Penguin)
Jomo Kenyatta : Facing Mt Kenya
(1938 Secker)
George J KLIMA : The Barabaig
(1970 Holt, Rinehart & Winston)

L S B LEAKEY : Adam's Ancestors
(1960 Harper)
L S B LEAKEY : Stone-Age Cultures of Kenya Colony
(1931 CUP)
(Eds) Richard LEE & I DEVORE : Man the Hunter (1968 Aldine)
Gerhard LINDBLOM : The Akamba of British East Africa
(1920 Uppsala)

Mandour EL MAHDI : A Short History of the Sudan
(1965 OUP)
Col Richard MEINERTZHAGEN : Kenya Diary 1902-1906
(1957 Oliver & Boyd)
S MENDELSSOHN : South African Bibliography
(1957 Holland Press, London. 2nd Ed) - 2 vols. 500
S MENDELSSOHN : South African Bibliography to 1925
(1979 Mansell, London) - 4 vols
(Eds) John MIDDLETON & E H WINTER : Witchcraft & Sorcery in East Africa (1963 Routledge)
G P MURDOCK : Africa - Its Peoples and Their Culture History
(1959 McGraw-Hill)

Arthur NEUMANN : Elephant Hunting in East Equatorial Africa
(1898 London)

R OLIVER & J D FAGE : A Short History of Africa
(1962 Penguin)
R OLIVER & G MATTHEW : History of East Africa
(1963 OUP)

Geoffrey PARRINDER : African Mythology
(1967 Hamlyn)
J H PATTERSON : The Man-Eaters of Tsavo
(1963 Macmillan)
(Ed) M POSNANSKY : Prelude to East African History (1966 OUP)
C W Mackworth PRAED & Capt H C B GRANT : Birds of East and North East Africa
(1952 Longmans)