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Isaac Asimov

Male : Science Fiction Novelist. Brought up in USA from 1923 (naturalised 1928)
Nationality : Russian Place of Birth : Nr Smolensk

Date of Birth : 1920 Date of Death : 1992 Age : 72

Pseudonyms : Paul French (Juvenile novels)

Other Work : Boston University College of Medicine (Associate Prof 1955)

Education : Brooklyn HS & Columbia Univ (chemistry)
Marooned Off Vesta
(1939 In Amazing Stories)
[This short story was his first publication]

Pebble in the Sky
(1950 Doubleday) (1968 Sidgwick & Jackson)
I, Robot
(1950 Gnome Press) (Grayson & Grayson 1951) - ss
[Filmed in 2004]
The Stars Like Dust
(1951 Doubleday) (1958 Panther Pb)
(1951 Gnome Press NY) (1953 Weidenfeld & Nicolson)
Foundation and Empire
(1952 Gnome Press NY) (1958 Panther Pb)
The Currents of Space
(1952 Doubleday) (1955 Boardman)
Second Foundation
(1953 Gnome Press NY) (1964 Granada)
The Caves of Steel
(1954 Doubleday) (1954 TV Boardman)
The End of Eternity
(1955 Doubleday)
The Martian Way & Other Stories
(1955 Doubleday) (1964 Dobson)
The Naked Sun
(1957 Doubleday) (1958 Michael Joseph)
Earth is Room Enough
(1957 Doubleday) (1960 Granada)
The Death Dealers
(1958 Avon Pb) (1968 Walker US as "A Whiff of Death") (1968 Gollancz)
Nine Tomorrows : Tales of the Near Future
(1959 Doubleday NY) (1963 Dobson)
The Intelligent Man's Guide to Science
(1960) - 2 vols

(Ed) The Hugo Winners (1962 Doubleday) (1963 Dobson)
The Rest of the Robots
(1964 Doubleday NY) (1967 Dobson)
Adding a Dimension : 17 Essays on the History of Science
(1964) (1966 Dobson )
Fantastic Voyage
(1966 HM) (1966 Dobson)
(Ed) Tomorrow's Children (1966) (1974 Futura)
Through a Glass, Clearly
(1967 NEL) - ss
Asimov's Mysteries
(1968 Doubleday NY) (1969 Rapp & Whiting) - ss
Nightfall & Other Stories
(1969 Doubleday) (1969 Rapp & Whiting)

The Stars in Their Courses
(1971 NY)
The Gods Themselves
(1972 Doubleday) (1972 Gollancz)
The Early Asimov
(1972 Doubleday) - ss
The Best of Isaac Asimov
(1973 S & J) (1974 Doubleday) - ss
(Ed) Where do We Go From Here ? : Book 1 (1973 M Joseph)
(Ed) Where do We Go From Here ? : Book 2 (1973 M Joseph)
Tales of the Black Widowers
(1974 Doubleday) (1975 Gollancz) - ss
Buy Jupiter & Other Stories
(1975 Doubleday) (1976 Gollancz)
The Left Hand of the Electron
(Ed) Asimov Before the Golden Age (1975-6 Orbit - 4 vols)

Eyes on the Universe
(1976 Deutsch)
The Planet That Wasn't
(1976 Sphere Books)
The Bicentennial Man & Other Stories
(1976 Doubleday) (1977 Gollancz)
More Tales of the Black Widowers
(1976 Doubleday) (1977 Gollancz) - ss
Murder at the Aba
(1976 Doubleday) (in UK as "Authorised Murder " 1976 Gollancz)
The Best of Isaac Asimov 1954-1972
(1977 Sphere Books) - edited by Angus Wells
The Key Word & Other Mysteries
(1977 Walker US)
The Casebook of the Black Widowers
(1980 Doubleday) (1980 Gollancz) - ss
Extraterrestrial Civilizations
(1980 Robson Books £6.95)

Foundations' Edge
(1982 Doubleday) (1982 Granada)
The Robots of Dawn
(1983 Doubleday) (1984 Granada)
The Union Club Mysteries
(1983 Doubleday) (1984 Granada)
The Winds of Change and Other Stories
(1983 Doubleday)
Nine Tomorrows
(1984 Doubleday) (1985 Granada)
(Ed) Sherlock Holmes Through Time & Space (1984 Bluejay, US) (1985 Severn House)
- with M Greenberg & C Waugh
Banquets of the Black Widowers
(1984 Doubleday) (1985 Granada) - ss
Robots and Empire
(1985 Phantasia Press, W Bloomfield) - 650 numbered & signed
(1985 Granada £8.95)

Foundation and Earth
(1986 Doubleday) (1986 Grafton)
Alternative Asimovs
(1986 Doubleday) - ss
Robot Dreams
(1986 Berklet) (1987 Gollancz) - ss
The Best Science Fiction of Isaac Asimov
(1986 Doubleday) (1987 Grafton)
Norby and the Queen's Necklace
(1986 Walker) - with Janet Asimov
The Best Mysteries of Isaac Asimov
(1986 Doubleday) (1987 Grafton)
Fnatastic Voyage II : Destination Britain
(1987 Doubleday) (1987 Grafton)
Prelude to Foundation
(1988 Doubleday) (1988 Grafton)
(1988 Doubleday) (1989 Doubleday UK)
(1989 Doubleday) (1989 D, UK) - [his 430th book]
The Asimov Chronicles : 50 Years of Isaac Asimov
(1989 Dark Harvest NY) (1991 Century)
Robot Visions
(1990 NAL) (1990 Gollancz) - ss & essays
Puzzles of the Black Widowers
(1990 Doubleday) (1990 Doubleday, UK)
The Complete Stories I
(1990 D) (1992 Harper Collins)
(1990 Doubleday) (1990 Gollancz) - with Robert Silverberg

After 1991
Child of Time
(1991 Gollancz) (in US as "The Ugly Little Boy" 1992 Doubleday) - with R Silverberg
The Positronic Man
(1992 Doubleday) (1992 Gollancz) - with Silverberg
[Filmed in 1999 as "Bicentennial Man"]
Forward the Foundation
(1993 Doubleday)

Juvenile as Paul French
All Doubleday
David Starr : Space Ranger
Lucky Starr and the Pirates of the Asteroids
Lucky Starr and the Oceans of Venus
Lucky Starr and the Big Sun of Mercury
Lucky Starr and the Moons of Jupiter
Lucky Starr and the Rings of Saturn
[All the above published in UK 1972-3 by NEL]
Below with Janet Asimov
Norby the Mixed-up Robot
(1983 Walker US) (1984 Methuen)
Norby's Other Secret
(1984 Walker US) (1985 Methuen)
Norby and the Lost Princess
(1985 Walker US) (1986 Methuen)