Books and Writers

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Books On Children's Literature

F J H DARTON : Children's Books in England
(1932 CUP)
A J JENKINSON : What do Boys and Girls Read ?
(1940 Methuen) - a survey of 3000 children
Geoffrey TREASE : Tales Out of School : A Survey of Children's Fiction
(1948 Heinemann)

(Ed) Cornelia MEIGS : A Critical History of Children's Literature - A Survey of Children's Books
in English from Earliest Times to the Present
(1953 Macmillan, NY) (1969 Revised Ed)
(Ed) Percy MUIR : English Children's Books 1600-1900 (1954 Batsford)
(Eds) B M MILLER & E W FIELD : Caldecott Medal Books 1938-1957 (1957 Horn Book Incorporated)
F J Harvey DARTON : Children's Books in England - Five Centuries of Social Life
(1958 CUP, 2nd Ed)
(Ed) Gillian AVERY : In the Window Seat (1960 OUP)

Ruth Hill VIGUERS : Margin for Surprise - about Books, Children and Libraries
(1964 Little Brown)
(Ed) Virginia HAVILAND : Children's Literature - A Guide to Reference Sources
(1966 Library of Congress)
(Ed) S I FENWICK : A critical Approach to Children's Literature (1967 Chicago UP)
Joan E CASS : Literature and the Young Child
(1967 Longman)
Bettina HURLIMANN : Three Centuries of Children's Books in Europe
(1967 OUP)
(Ed) Gillian AVERY : The Hole in the Wall (1968 OUP)
Alec ELLIS : A History of Children's Reading and Literature
(1968 Pergamon)
E W HILDICK : Children and Fiction
(1970 Evans)
Louise Seaman BECHTEL : Books in Search of Children
(1970 H Hamilton)

Frank EYRE : British Children's Book in the 20thC
(1971 Longman)
Sybil MARSHALL, J C GAGG, D GLYNN & J E CASS : Beginning with Books
(1971 Blackwell)
(Ed) Janet HILL : Books for Children - The Homelands of Immigrants in Britain - Africa, Cyprus,
India & Pakistan, Ireland, Italy, Poland, Turkey, the West Indies
(1971 Instit of Race Relations)
Elaine MOSS : Children's Books of the Year 1970
(1971 H Hamilton) - and annual sequels
Eric QUAYLE : The Collector's Book of Children's Books
(1971 Studio Vista)
Margery FISHER : Matters of Fact - Aspects of Non-Fiction for Children
(1972 Brockhampton)

Alec ELLIS : How to Find Out About Children's Literature
(1973 Pergamon)
Isabelle JAN : On Children's Literature
(1973 Allen Lane)
M F THWAITE : From Primer to Pleasure in Reading
(1973 Library Assoc, Revised Ed)
Peter HOLLINDALE : Choosing Books for Children
(1974 Paul Elek)
J R TOWNSEND : Written for Children - An Outline of English Language Children's Literature
(1974 Kestrel)

Gerald GOTTLIEB : Early Children's Books & Their Illustrations
(1975 OUP)
Naomi LEWIS : Fantasy Books for Children
(1975 National Book League, London)
Margaret R MARSHALL : Libraries and Literature for Teenagers
(1975 Deutsch)
Gillian AVERY : Childhood's Pattern - a Study of the Heroes & Heroines of Children's
Fiction 1770-1950
(1975 H & S)
Margery FISHER : Who's Who in Children's Books - A Treasury of the Familiar
Characters of Childhood
(1975 W & N)
F WHITEHEAD, A C CAPEY & W MADDREN : Children's Reading Interests
(1975 Evans/Methuen Educational) - reading habits of 8000 10-15 year olds

(Ed) Anne COMMIRE : Yesterday's Authors of Books for Children (1977 Gale, Detroit)
(Ed) Tracy CHEVALIER : Twentieth-Century Children's Writers (1978 St James Press)
(1989 3rd Ed)
Margaret Nancy CUTT : Ministering Angels - A Study of 19thC Evangelical
Writing for Children
Jane BINGHAM & Grayce SCHOLT : Fifteen Centuries of Children's Literature
(1980 Greenwood Press)

Since 1981
J S BRATTON : The Impact of Victorian Children's Fiction
(Ed) Patricia DEMERS & Gordon MOYLES : From Instruction to Delight (1982 OUP)
F J Harvey DARTON : Children's Books in England
(revised by Brian Alderson) (1982 CUP) - 3rd Ed
(Ed) Patricia DEMERS : A Garland from the Golden Age (1983 OUP)
(Ed) D L Kirkpatrick : 20thC Children's Writers (1983 St Martins NY)
John Rowe TOWNSEND : Written for Children
(1983 Penguin - revised Ed)
(Ed) Robert BATOR : Masterworks of Children's Literature (1984 Chelsea House Publishers)
(Ed) Gillian AVERY & Julia BRIGGS : Children and Their Books - A Celebration of the Work
of Iona & Peter Opie
(1989 OUP)
Tessa Rose CHESTER : Children's Books Research : A practical Guide to Techniques
and Sources
(1989 Thimble Press)
(Ed) Tracy Chevalier : 20thC Children's Writers (1989 St James Press)
(Compiled) J Madden & M Hobson : Children's Fiction Sourcebook (1995 Scolar Press)