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Books On Erotic Literature

J N ADAMS : The Latin Sexual Vocabulary (1982 London)
Philippe ARIES : The Hour of Our Death
(1983 Harmondsworth)
Nancy ARMSTRONG : Desire and Domestic Fiction
(1987 London)
ARTS COUNCIL : The Obscenity Laws
(1969 London)
John ATKINS : Sex in Literature
(1970-82 London) - 4 vols

Georges BATAILLE : L'Erotisme
(1957 Paris)
Bruno BETTELHEIM : The Uses of Enchantment
(1986 Harmondsworth)
N N BHATACHARYYA : A History of Indian Erotic Literature
(1975 London)
Meg BOGIN : Women Troubadours
(1976 NY)
Alan BOLD : The Sexual Dimension in Literature
(1982 London)
John BOSWELL : Christinaity, Social Tolerance and Homosexuality
(1980 Chicago)
(Ed) Jan BREMMER : From Sappho to de Sade (1991 London)
Edward J BRISTOW : Vice and Vigilance - Purity Movements in Britain since 1700
(1977 Dublin)
Peter BROWN : The Body and Society
(1988 NY)
(Ed) Irving BUCHEN : The Peverse Imagination - Sexuality & Literary Culture (1970 NY)

Ann CARSON : Eros the Bittersweet
(1986 Princeton)
Angela CARTER : The Sadeian Women - An exercise in Cultural History
(1979 London)
(Ed) John CHANDOS : To Deprave and Corrupt (1962 London)
Gail CHESTER & Julienne DICKEY : Feminism and Censorship
(1988 London)
Kenneth CLARK : The Nude
(1960 London)
Alec CRAIG : The Banned Books of England & other Countries - A Study of the Conception
of Literary Obscenity
(1962 London)

Terence DEAKIN : Catalogi librorum eroticorum - A Critical Bibliography of Erotic Bibliographies
and Book Catalogues
(1964 London)
Bram DIJKSTRA : Idols of Perversity - Fantasies of Feminine Evil in Fin-de-Siecle Culture
(1986 NY)
K J DOVER : Greek Homosexuality
(1980 NY)
D A DRUMMOND & G PERKINS : Dictionary of Russian Obscenities
(1987 Oakland)
Andrea DWORKIN : Pornography - Men Possessing Women
(1981 London)

Albert ELLIS & Albert ABARBANEL : The Encyclopaedia of Sexual Behaviour
(1961 NY) - 2 vols

Lillian FADERMAN : Odd Girls and Twilight Lovers - A History of Lesbian Life in 20thC America
(1992 London)
Beatrice FAUST : Women, Sex and Pornography
(1980 London)
Leslie FIEDLER : Love and Death in the American Novel
(1967 London)
Michel FOUCAULT : The History of Sexuality
(1979 London) - vol 1
Michel FOUCAULT : The Use of Pleasure
(1986 London) - Vol 2
David FOXON : Libertine Literature in England 1600-1745
(Ed) Peter FRYER : The Man of Pleasure's Companion - a 19thC Anthology of
Amorous Entertainment
(1968 London)
(Ed) Peter FRYER : Mrs Grundy - Studies in English Prudery (1963 London)
(Ed) Peter FRYER : Forbidden Books of the Victorians (1970 London)
Donald FURBER & Ann Callahan : Erotic Love in Literature from Medieval Legend to
Romantic Illusion
(1981 NY)

Norman GELB : The Irresistible Impulse - An Evocative Study of Erotic Practices & Notions
through the Ages
(1979 London)
Ralph GINZBURG : An Unhurried View of Erotica
(1958 NY)
Michael GRANT : Erotic Art in Pompeii
(1975 London)
Jonathon GREEN : The Encyclopaedia of Censorship
(1990 NY)
Susan GRIFFIN : Pornography and Silence
(1981 NY)
Jean H HAGSTRUM : Sex and Sensibility - Ideal and Erotic love from Milton to Mozart
(1980 London)
Jean H HAGSTRUM : The Romantic Body - Love and Sexuality in Keats, Wordsworth
& Blake
(1985 Knoxville, Tenn)
Anne Lyon HAIGHT & Chandler B GRANNIS : Banned Books - Informal Notes on some books
banned for various reasons at various times in various places
(1978 NY)
David M HALPERIN : One Hundred Years of Homosexuality & other Essays on Greek Love
(1989 NY)
(Eds) D M HALPERIN, John J WINKLER & Froma I ZEITLIN : Before Sexuality - The Construction
of the Erotic Experience in the Ancient Greek World
(1982 London)
Fraser HARRISON : The Yellow Book
(1982 London)
Frank HOFFMANN : An Analytical Survey of Anglo-American Traditional Erotica
(1973 Ohio)
HOME OFFICE : Report of the Committee on Obscenity and Film Censorship
(1979 London)
Douglas A HUGHES : Perspectives on Pornography
(1964 London)
Bernhardt J HURWOOD : The Golden Age of Erotica
(1968 London)
H Montgomery HYDE : A History of Pornography
(1964 London)

Catherine JOHNS : Sex or Symbol - Erotic Images of Greece or Rome
(1982 London)
Wendell Stacey JOHNSON : Sex and Marriage in Victorian Poetry
(1975 Ithaca)

Cora KAPLAN : Sea Changes - Culture and Feminism
(1987 London)
Louise J KAPLAN : Female Perversions
(1991 London)
Patrick J KEARNEY : The Private Case - an Annotated Bibliography of the Private Case Erotica
Collection in the British
(Museum) Library (1981 London)
Walter KENDRICK : The Secret Museum - Pornography in Modern Culture
(1991 NY)
Masud R KHAN : Alienation in Perversions
(1989 London)
Eberhardt & Phyllis KRONHAUSEN : Erotic Fantasies
(1970 NY)

Thomas LAQUEUR : Making Sex - Body and Gender from the Greeks to Freud
(1991 London)
Gershon LEGMAN : The Horn Book - Studies in Erotic Folklore and Bibliography
(1970 London)
Roy Hanley LEWIS : The Book Browser's Guide to Erotica
(1981 Newton Abbot)
Lord LONGFORD : Pornography - The Longford Report
(1972 London)
David LOTH : The Erotic in Literature - A Historical Survey of Pornography as Delightful
as it is Indiscreet
(1962 London)

Toni A H McNARON : The Sisterbond
(1985 NY)
Jean MARCADE : Roma Amor - Erotic Elements in Etruscan & Roman Art
(1961 London)
Steven MARCUS : The Other Victorians - A Study of Sexuality and Pornography in mid-19thC
(1966 London)
Herbert MARCUSE : Eros & Civilisation - A Philosophical Inquiry into Freud
(1966 London)
Ludwig MARCUSE : Obscene - The History of an Indignation
(1965 London)
Susan MATUSAK ; Bibliography of the 18thC Holdings of the Institute for Sex Research
(1975 Bloomington, Indiana)
Edwin MEESE : The Report of the Attorney General on Pornography
(1971 NY)
Robert MELVILLE : Erotic Art of the West
(1973 London)
Peter MICHELSON : The Aesthetics of Pornography
(1971 NY)
Henry MILLER : Defence of the Freedom to Read
(1959 Oslo)
(Ed) Jane MILLS : Bloomsbury Guide to Erotic Literature (1993 Bloomsbury £19.99)
Jan MONTEFIORE : Feminism and Poetry
(1985 London)
(Ed) H T MOORE : Sex, Literature and Censorship (1955 London)

(Ed) Philip NOBILE : The New Eroticism - theories, vogues & Canons (1970 NY)

Rozsika PARKER & Griselda POLLOCK : Old Mistresses - Women, Art & Ideology
(1981 London)
Eric PARTRIDGE : Shakespeare's Bawdy
(1968 London)
Julie PEAKMAN : Lascivious Bodies - A Sexual History of the 18thC
(2004 Atlantic Books £16.99)
Ronald PEARSALL :The Worm in the Bud - the world of Victorian Sexuality
(1967 London)
Morse PECKHAM : Art and Pornography
(1971 NY)
Michael PERKINS : The Secret Record - Modern Erotic Literature
(1976 NY)
Noel PERRIN : Dr Bowdler's Legacy - A History of Expurgated Books in England & America
(1969 NY)
Anthony T PERRY : Erotic Spirituality - the Integrative Tradition from Leone Ebreo
to John Donne
(1980 Alabama)
Robert T PETERSSON : The Art of Ectstasy - Saint Teresa, Bernini & Crashaw
(1970 London)

Guy PHELPS : Film Censorship
(1974 London)
Cathy PORTER : Alexander Kollontai
(1980 London)
Roy PORTER & G S ROUSSEAU : Sexual Underworlds of the Enlightenment
(1988 Manchester)
Raymond POSTGATE : That Devil Wilkes
(1930 London)

Claude QUETEL : History of Syphilis
(1990 Oxford)

Pauline REAGE
(pseud) : The Story of O (1990 London)
Robert G REISNER : Show me the Good Parts - The Teader's Guide to Sex in Literature
(1964 NY)
Charles REMBAR : The End of Obscenity
(1969 London)
Geoffrey ROBERTSON : Obscenity
(1979 London)
Geoffrey ROBERTSON : Freedom, the Individual and the Law
(1989 London)
(Ed) C H ROLPH : The Trial of Lady Chatterley (1990 London)
(Ed) C H ROLPH : Does Pornography Matter ? (1961 London)
Alfred ROSE
(pseud of Rolf S Reade) : Register of Erotic Books (1936 NY) - 2 vols

Fatna A SABBAH : Women in the Muslim Unconscious
(1984 Oxford)
Iharu SAIKAKU : Five Women who Loved Love
(1962 London)
Lynne SEGAL & Mary McINTOSH : Sex Exposed - Sexuality and the Pornography Debate
(1992 London)
Errol SELKIRK : Erotica for Beginners
(1991 London)
Elaine SHOWALTER : Sexual Anarchy - Gender & Culture at the Fin de Siecle
(1991 London)
Susan SONTAG : Styles of Radical Will
(1967 London)
George STEINER : Outrageous Acts and Everyday Rebellions
(1984 London)
Robert J STOLLER : Perversion - The Erotic Form of Hatred
(1977 London)
Robert J STOLLER : The Dynamics of Erotic Life
(1979 London)
Ralph STRAUS : The Unspeakable Curll
(1927 London)

Reay TANNAHILL : Sex in History
(1980 London)
Klaus THEWELEIT : Male Fantasies
(1991 Oxford) - 2 vols
Donald THOMAS : A Long Time Burning - the History of Literary Censorship in England
(1969 London)
Roger THOMPSON : Unfit for Modest Ears - A Study of Pornographic, Obscene &
Bawdy Works written or published in England in the second half of the 17thC
(1979 London)
Andrew TILLY : Erotic Drawings
(1986 Oxford)
L T TOPSFIELD : troubadours and Love
(1975 Cambridge)

VATICAN : Index Librorum Prohibitorum
(1938 Rome)

Peter WAGNER : Eros Revived - Erotica of the Enlightenment in England & America
(1990 London)
Marina WARNER : Alone of All Her Sex - the Myth & Cult of the Virgin Mary
(1976 London)
J Barry WEBB : Shakespeare's Erotic Word Usage
(1899 London)
(Ed) Peter WEBB : The Erotic Arts (1975 London)
Harry E WEDECK : Dictionary of Erotic Literature
(1963 London)
Linda WILLIAMS : Hard Core
(1990 London)

YELLOW SILK : Journal of Erotic Arts
(1983-1992 Albany)
Wayland YOUNG : Eros Denied
(1968 London)

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