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Routledge & Kegan Paul

The International Library of Sociology and Social Reconstruction
Published by Routledge & Kegan Paul
Founded by Karl Mannheim & Edited by W J H Sprott
Sociology of Education
Olive BANKS : Parity and Prestige in English Secondary Education
Howard BECKER : German Youth - Bond or Free
W F CONNELL : The Educational Thought and Influence of Matthew Arnold
Ian CUMMING : Helvetius - His Life and Place in the History of Educational Thought
R R DALE : From School to University
C M FLEMING : The Social Psychology of Education
Jose Ortega Y GASSET : Mission of the University
Nicholas HANS : Comparative Education
New Trends in Education in the 18thC
M L JACKS : Education in Transition
A K C OTTAWAY : Education and Society
R H SAMUEL & R HINTON THOMAS : Education and Society in Modern Germany
Alma S WITTLIN : The Museum

Sociology of Religion
Frank KNIGHT & Thornton W MERRIAM : The Economic Order and Religion
Joachim WACH : Sociology of Religion

Sociology of Art & Literature
Alexandre BELJAME : Men of Letters and the English Public in the 18thC 1660-1744
W H BRUFORD : Chekhov and His Russia - A Sociological Study
Levin L SHUCKING : The Sociology of Literary Taste

Sociological Approach to the Study of History
Stanislaw ANDRZEJEWSKI : Military Organisation and Society
Kathleen JONES : Lunacy, Law and Conscience 1744-1845
H G SCHENK : The Aftermath of the Napoleonic Wars

Sociology of Law
Robert EGERTON : Legal Aid
Georges GURVITCH : Sociology of Law
Karl RENNER : The Institutions of Private Law and Their Social Functions
Rudolf SCHLESINGER : Soviet Legal Theory - Its Social Background and Development

Criminology and The Social Services
M ASHDOWN & S C BROWN : Social Service and Mental Health
Lionel FOX : The English prison and Borstal Systems
Kate FRIEDLANDER : The Psycho-Analytical Approach to Juvenile Delinquency - Theory,
Case Studies, Treatment
M Penelope HALL : The Social Services of Modern England
Hermann MANNHEIM : Juvenile Deliquency in an English Middletown
Criminal Justice and Social Reconstruction
Group Problems in Crime and Punishment
John SPENCER : Crime and the Services

Sociology and Politics
E K BRAMSTEDT : Dictatorship and Political Police
Friedrick HERTZ : Nationality in History and Politics
H W LAIDLER : Social-Economic Movements
Harold D LASSWELL : The Analysis of Political Behaviour - An Empirical Approach
Power and Society - with A KAPLAN
Gunnar MYRDAL : The Political Element in the Development of Economic Theory
Michael POLANYI : The Logic of Liberty - Reflections and Rejoinders

Foreign Affairs, Their Social, Political & Economic Foundations
Antonin BASCH : The Danube Basin and the German Economic Sphere
A BONNE : State and Economics in the Middle East
Economic Development of the Middle East
R E DICKINSON : The Regions of Germany
Dorothy W DOUGLAS : Transitional Economic Systems
Everett C HUGHES : French Canada in Transition
J P MAYER : Political Thought in France from the Revolution to the Fourth Republic
Rudolf SCHLEINGER : Central European Democracy and Its Background
David THOMSON : Pattersn of Peacemaking - with E MEYER & Asa BRIGGS
Ruth TROUTON : Peasant Renaissance in Yugoslavia 1900-1950

Economic Planning
A B LEVY : Private Corporations and Their Control
Hermann LEVY : The Shops of Britain

Sociology of the Family and Allied Topics
J A BANKS : Prosperity and Parenthood
C M FLEMING : Adolescence
J K FOLSOM : The Family and Democratic Society
Alva MYRDAL : Nation and Family
J E RICHARDSON : Studies in the Social Psychology of Adolescence
B M SPINLEY : The Deprived and Privileged

Town and Country Planning, Human Ecology
W ASHWORTH : The Genesis of Modern British Town Planning
Robert E DICKINSON : City, region and Regionalism
The West European City - A Study in Urban Geography
Ruth GLASS : The Social Background of a Plan - A Study of Middlesborough
E A GUTKIND : Revolution of Environment
K LIEPMANN : The Journey to Work
Harold ORLANS : Stevenage - A Sociological Study of a New Town

Sociological Studies of Modern Communities
G D H COLE : Studies in Class Structure
S N EISENSTADT : The Absorbtion of Immigrants
Alvin W GOULDNER : Patterns of Industrial Bureaucracy
Wildcat Strike
David V GLASS : Social Mobility in Britain
Henrik F INFIELD : Co-operative Living in Palestine
Co-operative Communities at Work
Margot JEFFERYS : Mobility in the Labour Market
R K KELSALL : Higher Civil Servants in Britain
K L LITTLE : Negroes in Britain
Anthony H RICHMOND : Colour Prejudice in Britain

Anthropology and Colonial Policy
Hamed AMMAR : Growing Up in an Egyptian Village
S C DUBE : Indian Village
John F EMBREE : A Japanese Village - Suye Mura
Hsiao-Tung FEI & Chih-I CHANG : Earthbound China - A Study of Rurral Economy in Yunnan
P H GULLIVER : The Family Herds
H Ian HOGBIN : Transformation Scene - The Changing Culture of a New Guinea Village
Francis L K HSU : Under the Ancestors' Shadow - Chinese Culture and Personality
Religion, Science and Human Crises
Yueh-Hwa LIN : The Golden Wing - A Sociological Study of Chinese Familism
K L LITTLE : The Mende of Sierra Leone
Rene MAUNIER : The Sociology of Colonies - An Introduction to the Study of Race Contact - 2 vols
Harold OSBORNE : Indians of the Andes - Aymaras and Quechuas
Sehila PATTERSON : Colour and Culture in South Africa
Martin C YANG : A Chinese Village - Taitou, Shantung Province

Sociology and Psychology of the Present Crisis
Erich FROMM : The Fear of Freedom
Karl MANNHEIM : Diagnosis of Our Time
Freedom, Power and Democratic Planning
Essays on Sociology and Social Psychology
Alfred WEBER : Farewell to European History or the Conquest of Nihilism

Social Psychology and Psycho-Analysis
Julian BLACKBURN : Psychology and the Social Pattern
The Framework of Human Behaviour
Tadeusz GRYGIER : Oppression
Paul HALMOS : Solitude and Privacy
Walter HOLLITSCHER : Sigmund Freud - An Introduction
George C HOMANS : The Human Group
Eileen MAYO : The Social problems of an Industrial Civilization
Kimball YOUNG : A Handbook of Social Psychology

Approaches to the Problem of Personality
Viola KLEIN : The Feminine Character - History of an Ideology
Ralph LINTON : The Cultural Background of Personality
Georg MISCH : A History of Autobiography in Antiquity
Kimball YOUNG : Personality and Problems of Adjustment

Philosophical and Social Foundations of Thought
J HALLOWELL : The Decline of Liberalism as an Ideology
H A HODGES : The Philosophy of Wilhelm Dilthey
J HUIZINGA : Homo Ludens - A Study of the Play Element in Culture
Hans KELSEN : Society and Nature - A Sociological Inquiry
Karl MANNHEIM : Essays on the Sociology of Knowledge
R SCHLESINGER : Marx - His Time and Ours
Werner STARK : The Ideal Foundations of Economic Thought
The History of Economics in its Relation to Social Development
America : Ideal and Reality

General Sociology
Robert H LOWIE : Social Organization
W F OGBURN & M F NIMKOFF : A Handbook of Sociology

Foreign Classics of Sociology
Emile DURKHEIM : Suicide - A Study in Sociology
H A HODGES : Wilhelm Dilthey - An Introduction
C W MILLS : From Max Weber - Essays in Sociology
Ferdinand TONNIES : Community and Association

Rudolf SCHLESINGER : The Family in the USSR
The Nationality Problem of Soviet Administration

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