Books and Writers

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Sociology, Books On

A COMTE : Discourse on the Positive Spirit
(1844 Paris)
Emile DURKHEIM : Suicide
(1897) (1970 RKP)

F W TAYLOR : Shop Management
(1903 Harper & Row, NY)
F W TAYLOR : Principles of Scientific Management
(1911 Harper & Row) (1967 Harper)
Emile DURKHEIM : The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life
(1912) (1965 Free Press NY)
M L DAVIES : Maternity Letters from Working Women
(1915) (1978 Virago)

G H MEAD : Mind, Self and Society
(1934 Chicago UP)
Margaret MEAD : Sex and Temperament in Three Primitive Societies
(1935 RKP)
E EVANS-PRITCHARD : Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande
(1937 Clarendon Press)
Talcott PARSONS : The Structure of Social Action
(1937 Free Press NY)
G MOSCA : The Ruling Class
(1939 McGraw-Hill)
J WEDGEWOOD : The Economics of Inheritance
(1939 Penguin)

W F WHYTE : Street Corner Society
(1943 Chicago UP)
A RADCLIFFE-BROWN : Structure and Function in Primitive Society
(1945 Free Press)
(Eds) H GERTH & C W MILLS : From Max Weber - Essays in Sociology (1948 RKP)
R K MERTON : Social Theory and Social Structure
(1949 Free Press NY)

T MARSHALL : Citizenship and Social Class
(1950 CUP)
D RIESMAN : The Lonely Crowd
(1950 Yale UP)
K G J C KNOWLES : Strikes - A Study in Industrial Conflict
(1952 OUP)
C R WALKER & R GUEST : Man on the Assembly Line
(1952 Harvard UP)
Max WEBER : The Protestant Ethic an the Spirit of Capitalism
(1952 Allen & Unwin)
C Wright MILLS : White Collar
(1953 OUP)
N ROGOFF : Recent Trends in Occupational Mobility
(1953 Free Press NY)
D GLASS : Social Mobility in Britain
(1954 RKP)
A W GOULDNER : Wildcat Strike
(1954 RKP)
E CHINOY : Automobile Workers and the American Dream
(1955 Beacon Press, NY)
A COHEN : Delinquent Boys
(1955 Free Press NY)

(1956 E & S)
S EISENSTADT : From Generation to Generation
(1956 Free Press NY)
J FLOUD, A H HALSEY & F M MARTIN : Social Class and Educational Opportunity
(1956 Heinemann)
Talcott PARSONS & R F BALES : Family - Socialisation and Interaction Process
(1956 RKP)
E BOTT : Family and Social Network
(1957 Tavistock)
T MORRIS : The Criminal Area
(1957 RKP)
J K GALBRAITH : The Affluent Society
(1958 Hamish Hamilton)
D LOCKWOOD : The Blackcoated Worker
(1958 Allen & Unwin)
(Ed) R ANSHEN : The Family - Its Function and Destiny (1959 Harper & Row)
S LIPSET & P BENDIX : Social Mobility in Industrial Society
(1959 Univ of Calif Press)
R DAHRENDORF : Class and Class Conflict in Industrial Society
(1959 RKP)

B CLARK : The Open Door College
(1960 McGraw-Hill, NY)
R CLOWARD & L OHLIN : Delinquency an Opportunity
(1960 Free Press NY)
R D LAING : The Divided Self
(1960 Penguin)
K LIEPMANN : Apprenticeship
(1960 RKP)
W Lloyd WARNER : Social Class in America - the Evaluation of Status
(1960 Harper Row)

R MILIBAND : Parliamentary Socialism
(1961 Allen & Unwin)
K SAMUELSON : Religion and Economic Action
(1961 Heinemann)
M YOUNG : The Rise of the Meritocracy
(1961 Penguin)
F ZWEIG : The Worker in an Affluent Society
(1961 Heinemann)

P BERGER : Invitation to Sociology
(1962 Penguin)
T BOTTOMORE : Sociology
(1962 Allen & Unwin)
Hans EYSENCK : Know Your Own IQ
(1962 Penguin)
M YOUNG & P WILLMOTT : Family and Kinship in East London
(1962 Penguin)

H BECKER : Outsiders
(1963 Free Press NY)
A CICOUREL & J KITSUSE : The Educational Decision-Makers
(1963 Bobbs-Merrill, NY)
W J GOODE : World Revolution and Family Patterns
(1963 Collier-Macmillan, London)
W GUTTSMAN : The British Political Elite
(1963 MacGibbon & Kee)
S KELLER : Beyond the Ruling Class
(1963 Random House NY)
PAUL WILLMOTT : The Evolution of a Community
(1963 RKP)

J & O BANKS : Feminism and Family Planning in Victorian England
(1964 Liverpool UP)
P BERGER : The Human Shape of Work
(1964 Macmillan)
R BLAUNER : Alienation and Freedom
(1964 Chicago UP)
Christopher HILL : Society and Puritanism in Pre-Revolutionary England
(1964 Secker & Warburg)
Emile DURKHEIM : The Rules of Sociological Method
(1964 Free Press NY)
D LERNER : The Passing of Traditional Society
(1964 Free Press, NY)
D MATZA : Delinquency and Drift
(1964 Wiley NY)
Talcott PARSONS : Essays in Social Theory
(1964 Free Press NY)
B WHITAKER : The Police
(1964 Penguin)
Max WEBER : Theory of Social and Economic Organization
(1964 Free Press) - edited by T Parsons
(Eds) G K ZOLLSCHAN & W HIRSCH : Explorations in Social Change (1964 RKP)

B ABEL-SMITH & Peter TOWNSEND : The Poor and the Poorest
(1965 Bell)
John BOWLBY : Child Care and the Growth of Love
(1965 Penguin)
N DEMERATH : Social Class in American Protestantism
(1965 Rand McNally, Chicago)
(Ed) R NISBET : Emile Durkheim (1965 Prentice-Hall)
T PARSONS & K B CLARK : The Negro American
(1965 Houghton Mifflin)
C ROSSER & C C HARRIS : The Family and Social Change
(1965 RKP)
J SHORT & F STRODTBECK : Group Process and Gang Delinquency
(1965 Chicago UP)

V L ALLEN : Militant Trade Unionism
(1966 Merlin Press, London)
P A BARAN & P M SWEEZY : Monopoly Capital
(1966 Penguin)
D DOWNES : The Delinquent Solution
(1966 RKP)
E LEMERT : Human Deviance - Social problems and Social Control
(1966 Prentice-Hall)
R FLETCHER : The Family & Marriage in Britain
(1966 Penguin)
B JACKSON & D MARSDEN : Education an the Working Class
(1966 Penguin)
(Ed) M JANOWITZ : Organization and Social Personality (1966 Chicago UP)
T O'DEA : The Sociology of Religion
(1966 Prentice-Hall, NJ)
C SPICER & L LIPWORTH : Regional and Social Factors in Infant Mortality
(1966 HMSO)
B WILSON : Religion in a Secular Society
(1966 Watts, London)

J DOUGLAS : The Social Meanings of Suicide
(1967 Princeton UP)
J W B DOUGLAS : The Home and the School
(1967 Panther)
R FOX : Kinship and Marriage
(1967 Penguin)
H GARFINKEL : Studies in Ethnomethodology
(1967 Prentice-Hall)
D HARGREAVES : Social Relations in a Secondary School
(1967 RKP)
(Ed) R KNUDTEN : The Sociology of Religion (1967 Appleton-Century, NY)
S LIPSET & R BENDIX : Class, Status and Power
(1967 Free Press NY)
T LUCKMANN : The Invisible Religion
(1967 Collier-Macmillan)
(Ed) J MIDDLETON : Magic, Witchcraft and Curing (1967 Natural History Press, London)
D McCLELLAND : The Achieving Society
(1967 Van Nostrand, NY)
R NISBET : The Sociological Tradition
(1967 Heinemann)
PARKER, BROWN, CHILD & SMITH : The Sociology of Industry
(1967 Allen & Unwin)
J REVELL : The Wealth of the Nation
(1967 CUP)
W STARK : The Sociology of religion
(1967 RKP)
D SUDNOW : Passing On
(1967 Prentice Hall NJ)
D WEST : The Young Offender
(1967 Penguin)

H BECKER : Making the Grade
(1968 Wiley NY)
C BELL : Middle Class Families
(1968 RKP)
A CICOUREL : The Social organisation of Juvenile Justice
(1968 Wiley, NY)
H GAVRON : The Captive Wife
(1968 Penguin)
J H GOLDTHORPE, D LOCKWOOD et al : The Affluent Worker - Industrial Attitudes & Behaviour
(1968 CUP)
E GOFFMAN : Asylums
(1968 Penguin)
F HERZBERG : Work and the Nature of Man
(1968 Staple Press, London)
FMcCLINTOCK & N AVISON : Crime in England & Wales
(1968 Heinemann)
P JACKSON : Life in Clasrooms
(1968 Holt, Rinehart & Winston NY)
(Eds) E SHELDON & W E MOORE : Indicators of Social Change (1968 Russell Sage NY)
B SUGARMAN : Sociology
(1968 Heinemann)
C VALENTINE : Culture and Poverty
(1968 Chicago UP)
P WORSLEY : The Trumpet Shall Sound
(1968 MacGibbon & Kee)

J H GOLDTHORPE, D LOCKWOOD et al : The Affluent Worker in the Class Structure
(1969 CUP)
B RIGAUER : Sport and Work
(1969 Columbia UP) (1981 UK)
H A TURNER : Is Britain Really Strike Prone ?
(1969 CUP)

I BERG : Education for Jobs : The Great Training Robbery
(1970 Penguin)
(Ed) C BERSANI : Crime and Delinquency (1970 Macmillan)
(Eds) D BUTTERWORTH & D WEIR : The Sociology of Modern Britain (1970 Fontana)
K COATES & R SILBURN : Poverty - The Forgotten Englishmen
(1970 Penguin)
K DAVIS : Human Society
(1970 Macmillan)
Hans EYSENCK : Crime and Personality
(1970 Paladin)
L HUMPHREYS : Tea Room Trade
(1970 Duckworth)
T KUHN : The Structure of Scientific Revolutions
(1970 Chicago UP)
(Ed) D LOCKWOOD : Race and Racialism (1970 Tavistock)
C W MILLS : The Sociological Imagination
(1970 Penguin)
B SCHARF : The Sociological Study of Religion
(1970 Hutchinson)
D SILVERMAN : The Theory of Organisations
(1970 Heinemann)

M ANDERSON : Family Structure in 19thC Lancashire
(1971 CUP)
P BAUER : Dissent on Development
(1971 Weidenfeld & Nicolson)
John BOWLBY : Attachment and Loss : Vol 1
(1971 Penguin) (vol 2 in 1975)
S BOX : Deviance, Reality and Society
(1971 Holt, Rinehart & Winston NY)
D BUTLER & R STOKES : Political Change in Britain
(1971 Penguin)
(ED) S COHEN : Images of Deviance (1971 Penguin)
(1971 Panther)
A G FRANK : Sociology of Development and the Underdevlopment of Sociology
(1971 Pluto Press)
J H GOLDTHORPE et al : The Affluent Worker in the Class Structure
(1971 CUP)
(Ed) E HOPPER : Readings in the Theory of Educational Systems (1971 Hutchinson)
F PARKIN : Class Inequality and Political Order
(1971 MacGibbon & Kee)
D L PHILLIPS : Knowledge From What ?
(1971 Rand McNally)
N POLSKY : Hustlers, Beats and Others
(1971 Penguin)
K THOMAS : Religion and the Decline of Magic
(1971 Weidenfeld & Nicolson)
(Ed) Peter TOWNSEND : The Concept of Poverty (1971 Heinemann)
P WILLMOTT & M YOUNG : Family and Class in a London Suburb
(1971 New English Library)

M BANTON : Racial Minorities
(1972 Fontana)
(Ed) J BARDWICK : Readings on the Psychology of Women (1972 Harper & Row NY)
(Ed) B BARNES : Sociology of Science (1972 Penguin)
P BERGER & B BERGER : Sociology
(1972 Basic Books, NY)
(Eds) E BUTTERWORTH & D WEIR : Social problems of Modern Britain (1972 Fontana)
R DAVIE, M BUTLER & H GOLDSTEIN : from Birth to Seven
(1972 Longman)
P ELLIOTT : The Sociology of the Professions
(1972 Macmillan)
D HARGREAVES : Interpersonal Relations and Education
(1972 RKP)
R HYMAN : Strikes
(1972 Fontana)
T JOHNSON : Professions and Power
(1972 Macmillan)
(Eds) P LASLETT & R WALL : Household and Family in Past Time (1972 CUP)
M MILNER : The Illusion of Equality
(1972 Jossey-Bass, London)
A OAKLEY : Sex, Gender and Society
(1972 Temple-Smith, London)
J M PAHL & R E PAHL : Managers and Their Wives
(1972 Penguin)
S PARKER : The Future of Work and Leisure
(1972 Paladin)
M RUTTER : Maternal Deprivation Reassessed
(1972 Penguin)
E WILLIAMS : Capitalism and Slavery
(1972 Deutsch)

P ARIES : Centuries of Childhood
(1973 Penguin)
O BANKS & D FINLAYSON : Succes and Failure in the Secondary School
(1973 Methuen)
H BEYNON : Working for Ford
(1973 Penguin)
S CASTLES & G KOSACK : Immigrant Workers and Class Structure in Western Europe
(1973 OUP)
S COHEN : Folk Devils and Moral Panics
(1973 Paladin)
(Eds) S COHEN & J YOUNG : The Manufacture of News (1973 Constable)
A GIDDENS : The Class Structure of the Advanced Societies
(1973 Hutchinson)
R HERRNSTEIN : IQ in the Meritocracy
(1973 Allen Lane)
Ivan ILLICH : Deschooling Society
(1973 Penguin)
C JENCKS et al : Inequality
(1973 Allen Lane)
S LUKES : Emile Durkheim
(1973 Allen Lane)
M MANN : Consciousness and Action among the Western Working Class
(1973 Macmilan)
R MILIBAND : The State in Capitalist Society
(1973 Quartet, London)
R NASH : Classrooms Observed
(1973 RKP)
(Eds) J RAYNOR & J HARDEN : Equality and City Schools (1973 RKP)
P ROCK : Deviant Behaviour
(1973 Hutchinson)
I TAYLOR et al : The New Criminology
(1973 RKP)
P WEDGE & H PROSSER : Born to Fail ?
(1973 Arrow Books)
M YOUNG & P WILLMOTT : The Symmetrical Family
(1973 RKP)

(Ed) S ALLEN et al : Conditions of Ilusion (1974 Feminist Books, Leeds)
A B ATKINSON : Unequal Shares
(1974 Penguin)
W BRANDIS & B BERNSTEIN : Selection and Control
(1974 RKP)
H BRAVERMAN : Labour and Monopoly Capital
(1974 Monthly Review Press, NY)
Dept of Employment : Women & Work - A Statistical Survey
(1974 HMSO)
Emile DURKHEIM : Sociology and Philosophy
(1974 Free Press NY)
A FOX : Man Mismanagement
(1974 Hutchinson)
P GOLDING : The Mass Media
(1974 Longman)
P HARTMAN & C HUSBAND : Racism and the Mass media
(1974 Davis-Poynter, London)
R JESSOP : Traditionalism, Conservatism and British Political Culture
(1974 Allen & Unwin)
S LUKES : Power - A Radical View
(1974 Macmillan)
A OAKLEY : The Sociology of Housework
(1974 Martin Robertson, London)
(Ed) F PARKIN : The Social Analysis of Class Structure (1974 Tavistock)
(Eds) P ROCK & M McINTOSH : Deviance and Social Control (1974 Tavistock)
K ROBERTS et al : The Fragmentary Class Structure
(1974 Heinemann)
Sheila ROWBOTHAM : Hidden from History
(1974 Pluto Press)
(Eds) P STANWORTH & A GIDDENS : Elites and Power in British Society (1974 CUP)
L TIGER & R FOX : The Imperial Animal
(1974 Paladin)
R TURNER : Ethnomethodology
(1974 Penguin)
(Ed) D WEDDERBURN : Poverty, Inequality and Class Structure (1974 CUP)

(Ed) M BULMER : Working Class Images of Society (1975 RKP)
D BYRNE, W WILLIAMSON & B FLETCHER : The Poverty of Education
(1975 Martin Robertson, London)
A COOTE & T GILL : The Rape Controversy
(1975 NCCL, London)
D GIBBONS & J JONES : The Study of Deviance
(1975 Prentice-Hall)
A GOULDNER : For Sociology
(1975 Penguin)
R HYMAN : Industrial Relations - A Marxist Introduction
(1975 Macmillan)
G KAY : Development & Underdevelopment : A Marxist Analysis
(1975 Macmillan)
JMITCHELL : Psychoanalysis and Feminism
(1975 Penguin)
D H J MORGAN : Social Theory and the Family
(1975 RKP)
G PEARSON : The Deviant Imagination
(1975 Macmillan)
(Ed) R REITER : Towards an Anthropology of Women (1975 Monthly Review Press, NY)
R SHARP & A GREEN : Education and Social Control
(1975 RKP)
I TAYLOR et al : Critical Criminology
(1975 RKP)
J WESTERGAARD & H RESLER : Class in a Capitalist Society
(1975 Heinemann) (1976 Penguin)

(Eds) D L BARKER & S ALLEN : Dependence and Exploitation in Work and Marriage
(1976 Longman)
(Eds) D L BARKER & S ALLEN : Sexual Divisions in Society (1976 Tavistock)
J BLONDEL : Voters, Parties and Leaders
(1976 Penguin)
S BOWLES & H GINTIS : Schooling in Capitalist America
(1976 RKP)
S BROWNMILLER : Against Our Will
(1976 Penguin)
(Eds) J CLARKE & T JEFFERSON : Working Class Youth Cultures (1976 RKP)
A D EDWARDS : Language in Culture and Class
(1976 Heinemann)
A GIDDENS : New Rules of Sociological Method
(1976 Hutchinson)
(EDS) S HALL & G PEARSON : Resistance Through Rituals (1976 Hutchinson)
J HUGHES : Sociological Analysis - Methods of Discovery
(1976 Nelson)
D LANE : The Sociliast Industrial State
(1976 Allen & Unwin)
G LOBBAN : Sexism in Children's Books
(1976 Writers & Readers Co-op, London)
K MARX & F ENGELS : Collected Works
(1976 Lawrence & Wishart, London)
(Eds) J MITCHELL & A OAKLEY : The Rights and Wrongs of Women (1976 Penguin)
(Eds) G MUNGHAM & G PEARSON : Working Class Youth Cultures (1976 RKP)
J & E NEWSON : Seven Years Old in the Home Environment
(1976 Allen & Unwin)
T NICHOLS & P ARMSTRONG : Workers Divided
(1976 Fontana)
S PARKER : The Sociology of Leisure
(1976 Allen & Unwin)
F PEARCE : Crimes of the Powerful
(1976 Pluto Press)
S SHARPE : Just Like a Girl
(1976 Penguin)
C SMART : Women, Crime and Criminology
(1976 RKP)
M STUBBS : Language, Schools and Classrooms
(1976 Methuen)
J TIZARD, P MOSS & J PERRY : All Our Children
(1976 Temple-Smith/New Society)

(Eds) P BEHARREL & G PHILO : Trade Unions and the Media (1977 Macmillan)
P BOURDIEU & J C PASSERON : Reproduction in Education, Society & Culture
(1977 Sage, London)
(Eds) T CLARKE & L CLEMENTS : Trade Unions under Capitalism (1977 Fontana)
Comunity Relations Commission : Urban Deprivation, Racial Inequality and Social
Policy - A Report
(1977 HMSO)
(Eds) J CURRAN et al : Mas Communication and Society (1977 Arnold)
Equal Opps Commission : Women and Low Incomes
(1977 EOC, London)
A GIDDENS : Studies in Social and Political Theory
(1977 Hutchinson)
P GLASNER : The Sociology of Secularization
(1977 RKP)
(Eds) N GLAZER & H Y WAEHRER : Women in a Man-Made World (1977 Rand McNally, Chicago)
L KAMIN : The Science and Politics of IQ
(1977 Penguin)
(Eds) J KARABEL & A H HALSEY : Power and Ideology in Education (1977 OUP)
E LACLAU : Politics and Ideology in Marxist Theory
(1977 New Left Books, London)
P LASLETT : Family Life and Illicit Love in Earlier Generations
(1977 CUP)
N C MATHIEU : Ignore by Some, Denied by Others
(1977 Women's research & Rsources Ctre, London)
T NICHOLS & H BEYNON : Living with Capitalism
(1977 RKP)
M RODINSON : Islam and Capitalism
(1977 Penguin)
(Ed) R SCASE : Industrial Society - Class, Cleavage & Control (1977 Allen & Unwin)
E SHORTER : The Making of the Modern Family
(1977 Fontana)
D SMITH : The Facts of Racial Disadvantage
(1977 Penguin)
S WEITZ : Sex Roles
(1977 OUP, NY)
P WILLIS : Learning to Labour
(1977 Westmead, Saxon House)
A WOLPE : Some Processes in Sexist Education
(1977 Women's Research & Resource Ctre, London)

J M ATKINSON : Discovering Suicide
(1978 Macmillan)
(Eds) J CHETWYND & O HARTNETT : The Sex Role System (1978 RKP)
N CHODOROW : The Reproduction of Mothering
(1978 Univ of California Press)
D GALLIE : In Search of the New Working Class
(1978 CUP)
A GIDDENS : The Class Structre of the Advanced Societies
(1978 Hutchinson)
S HALL et al : Policing the Crisis - Mugging, the State and Law and Order
(1978 Macmillan)
J KAY & M KING : The British Tax System
(1978 OUP)
(ED) G LITTLEJOHN et al : Power and the State (1978 Croom Helm, London)
G POGGI : The Development of the Modern State
(1978 Hutchinson)
D ROBINS & P COHEN : Knuckle Sandwich
(1978 Penguin)
(Eds) C & B SMART : Women, Sexuality and Social Control (1978 RKP)
Max WEBER : Economy and Society
(1978 Univ of California Press)
P WILLIS : Profane Culture
(1978 RKP)
E WRIGHT : Class, Crisis and the State
(1978 New Left Books, London)

N BISSERET : Education, Class Language and Ideology
(1979 RKP)
R BLACKBURN & M MANN : The Working Class in the Labour Market
(1979 Macmillan)
M BRAKE : The Sociology of Youth Culture and Youth Sub-cultures
(1979 RKP)
P CORRIGAN : Schooling the Smash Street Kids
(1979 Macmillan)
E C CUFF & G C F PAYNE : Perspectives on Sociology
(1979 Allen & Unwin)
E DUNNING & K SHEARD : Barbarians, Gentleman and Players
(1979 Martin Robertson, London)
A GIDDENS : Central Problems in Social Theory
(1977 Macmillan)
P GOLDING & P ELLIOTT : Making the News
(1979 Longman)
G LANNING & H MUELLER : Africa Undermined
(1979 Penguin)
Low Pay Unit : The Hidden Army
(1979 HMSO)
C MILLER & K SWIFT : Words and Women
(1979 Penguin)
M MULKAY : Science and the Sociology of Knowledge
(1979 Allen & Unwin)
H NEWBY : The Deferential Worker
(1979 Penguin)
J SCOTT : Corporations, Classes and Capitalism
(1979 Hutchinson)
Peter TOWNSEND : Poverty in the United Kingdom
(1979 Penguin)

(Eds) R BOCOCK et al : An Introduction to Sociology (1980 Fontana)
R DOBASH & R DOBASH : Violence Against Wives
(1980 Open Books, London)
J H GOLDTHORPE et al : Social Mobility and Class Structure in Modern Britain
(1980 Clarendon Press)
A H HALSEY, A F HEATH & J M RIDGE : Origins and Destinations
(1980 Clarendon Press)
M L K PRINGLE : The Needs of Children
(1980 Hutchinson 2nd Ed)
(1981 Macmillan)
M STANWORTH : Gender and Schooling
(1981 Women's Research & Resource Ctre, London)

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